The Sun is a ball of Iron (well, mostly iron)
Please visit Professor Manuel's page at University of Missouri at Rolla: Physics & Astronomy On-Line has a discussion about the evidence of an iron-rich Sun. The link is: *NEW Visit for some graphic evidence supporting a non-gaseous sun Two Models of the Sun
Marathi song by Vasantrao Deshpande:
"Tejonidhi lohagol, bhaaskar he gaganaraaj, divya tujhyaa tejaane jhagamagale bhuvan aaj; he dinamani vyomaraaj..."
...which translates as
"O store of energy, ball of iron, O Sun, king of sky, the world scintillates with your powerful light. O gem of the day, king of brightness, ..." **
**Another translation is:
"Red, Hot like iron, round like a fire ball. The Sun is the king of the sky. He brightens this world everyday, each day with his radiance and glory..."
New Releases
Light elements are enriched at the surface of the Sun, covering it with 91% H and 9% He (the lightest and the next-lightest elements).
Mass separation in the Sun is measured across isotopes of elements in the solar wind and in the abundances of elements in the photosphere.
Four figures below show the observations:
* Fig 1. Sun's Surface Composition
* Fig 2. Solar Mass Separation
* Fig 3. Composition of Bulk Sun
* Fig 4. Composition of Bulk Sun
Recent spacecraft measurements on the Sun have confirmed this:
1. NASA plans to blow a $131 million dollar hole in a comet to find the elements that made the Solar System (Bloomberg, 13 Dec 2004)
.pdf archive version: here
Comment from Cambridge Conference: "By choosing that target, NASA is sure to confirm that 'the solar system was made of light elements like H, He, and C' - a blatantly false conclusion."
"Excess lightweight isotopes in the solar wind and lightweight s-products in the photosphere expose the mass separation process that causes these light elements to cover the Sun's surface - - - like the red peel on an apple."
* see Fig 2. Solar Mass Separation above
"A hole blown in an iron asteroid would provide more useful information on the elements that made the Solar System, including the central object that contains almost 99.9% of its mass." (CCNet, 15 Dec 2004)
2. Wind Spacecraft finds surprisingly high "Abundances of trans-iron elements in solar energetic particle events"
Don Reams uses measurements with the Wind spacecraft to discover that successively heavier trans-iron elements are enriched in impulsive solar flares by factors of ~10, ~100, and ~1000 [Ap. J. 540, L111-L114 (10 Sept 2000)]
3. ACE Spacecraft's Ultra-Low Energy Isotope Spectrometer (ULEIS) confirms "Enrichments of trans-iron nuclei in solar energetic particles observed with ACE/ULEIS"
J. E. Mazur et al. used Ultra-Low Energy Isotope Spectrometer (ULEIS) on the ACE Spacecraft to see enhanced abundances of heavy elements in impulsive solar flares.
4. Galileo Space Probe on "Jupiter's Composition Throws Planet-formation Theories into Disarray" (17 Nov 1999)
Tobias Owen et al. find excess heavy noble gases - Ar, Kr, and Xe - in Jupiter relative to those in the Sun's photosphere [Nature 402 (1999) 269-270]. The story starts, "The four giant planets in the Solar System have abundances of 'metals' (elements heavier than helium), relative to hydrogen, that are much higher than observed in the Sun."
5. Ulysses Spacecraft measurements convince Dr. Louis Lanzerotti that: "No one really knows how it" (the sun's magnetic field) "is formed and why it changes as it does." (14 Nov 2003)
The Iron Sun explains solar magnetic fields that cause the solar cycle and solar eruptions: []
6. The ULET sensor on the IMP-8 Satellite observed heavier elements systematically enriched in material coming from the Sun on 7 May 1974 until 17 May 1974. The AP.J. paper starts, "Overabundance of heavy nuclei is frequently observed in the composition low-energy particles accelerated at the Sun".
Data from Table 1 reveal these mass-linked enrichments relative to the solar wind:
Table 1. Excess Heavy Elements Observed with the ULET Sensor on the IMP-8 Satellite on 7-17 May 1974 [Gloecker et al., Ap. J. 200 (1975) pages L45-L88] *Solar wind data includes only Ne and Si
Below are handouts (are) from a January 7, 2002 press briefing dedicated to my teacher, Professor Paul Kazuo Kuroda, in Washington DC at the 199th annual AAS meeting.
"Why the Model of a Hydrogen Filled Sun Is Obsolete" (MSWord Document, 276K), PDF, PS
"Elongated Summary Figures" (MSWord Document, 81K)
Paul Kuroda